Zika Apocalypse?

By Melanie Stewart Back in December it was unlikely that most of us had heard of the Zika virus.  Barely 2 months later, it has become a household term and the World Health Organization has declared a public health emergency. We now know there…

Earth Week Lineup Announced

Campus Favorites RePurpose It Contest and Electronic Recycling/Paper Shredding Return

Make Your Super Sunday a Green Sunday

Easy tips to host a fun, sustainable party.

Resolve to TravelSmart in 2016

By Melanie Stewart   I know it seems crazy to think about switching up your commute during the winter, but it’s the perfect time to do so! Last Tuesday did you slip and slide to work in a commute that took you twice as…

Get Organized

New Year’s Resolution Prompts Identity Crisis By Anne Rivas   After the excesses of the holiday season, I usually want to start over, to clear out extraneous stuff.  Most of us make resolutions to lose weight, get organized, live more mindfully, become better people….

Holiday Cleanup

By Melanie Stewart As the Holiday Season comes to a close we must start the process of cleanup.  As you do so, recycling will help minimize the impact of a season that sees household waste increase by 25%. Recycle received holiday cards, reuse as…

Climate Change Agreement

By Melanie Stewart For the past two weeks we spoke about the Climate Change talks in Paris and why they are important, as well as reasons for hope. As we find ways to make changes in our own lives to be part of the…

Climate Change Hope

by Melanie Stewart In last week’s article, I spoke of the threat of climate change. It affects every aspect of our lives, from the weather, our health, our economy, our safety and even our existence on the planet. It’s imperative that we discuss climate…

Climate Change Here?

By Melanie Stewart Earth’s climate is changing.  From storms like Superstorm Sandy and the severe drought in the West, to occurrences like Spring’s torrential rainfall, and a late-arriving autumn, we see the effects every day. I am excited about the meeting of world leaders…

Start Now to Green Your Holiday Season

by Melanie Stewart Did you know that waste increases by 25% between Thanksgiving and New Year’s?  Not really surprising when you starting thinking about all the shopping, eating, and traveling. Luckily, there are a lot of things you can do to reduce your waste…