Reduce-regift-recycle for the holidays

Looking for ways to avoid the naughty list? We have you covered.

Instead of Black Friday, try Buy Nothing Day

Instead of Black Friday, this year try Buy Nothing Day

A green Halloween

This Sunday is Halloween. Below are some tips and tricks for making your celebration a more sustainable one.

Reducing Holiday Season Waste

The pandemic will likely change your holiday plans, but you can make some new, sustainable traditions.

LiveGreen hosting webinar on stress and anxiety

The holidays always bring on extra stress, we have tips to deal with it at anytime

America Recycles Day

Recycling can have a big impact when done correctly, we can help!

The Med Center is Now a Composting Drop-Off Location

Individuals can join program to compost personal waste

Jevon’s Paradox

Efficiencies can actually lead to more consumption and in turn, more pollution/waste, which negatively impacts your health

Holiday Wrap-Up

Resources to make your holiday cleanup easy and sustainable

A Happier, Healthier Holiday Season

The holiday season is here, make plans to be more sustainable, happier, and healthier

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