by Melanie Stewart, with help from Environmental Services In 2006 Environmental Services started a Linen Management program for Nebraska Medicine, UNMC, and their associated clinics. Linen management is about having the right amount of linen available at the right time, not just using less,…
Do you dry your hands correctly? I know it sounds like a silly question. If your hands are dry, you’ve done it correctly, right? I beg to differ. Did you know Americans use 13 million pounds of paper towels every year? Just on this…
Need ideas or supplies for your Repurpose It contest? Click here for both as well as a link to our new Pinterest page!
Want to learn tricks of the trade to creating your own Repurpose It Contest entry while supporting a good cause?
As announced in Nebraska Medicine Now and UNMC Today, lab coats with the old brand will be retired Aug. 15. Some of you already have new coats and others will be getting them soon. That led to the question: what can we do with…
Students and staff travel around the world to treat others. Read more to see how you can help!
You think bottled water is healthy and convenient, but is it?
The Little Free Library is a huge success, but still needs your help!