Climate Change Agreement

By Melanie Stewart For the past two weeks we spoke about the Climate Change talks in Paris and why they are important, as well as reasons for hope. As we find ways to make changes in our own lives to be part of the…

Climate Change Hope

by Melanie Stewart In last week’s article, I spoke of the threat of climate change. It affects every aspect of our lives, from the weather, our health, our economy, our safety and even our existence on the planet. It’s imperative that we discuss climate…

Climate Change Here?

By Melanie Stewart Earth’s climate is changing.  From storms like Superstorm Sandy and the severe drought in the West, to occurrences like Spring’s torrential rainfall, and a late-arriving autumn, we see the effects every day. I am excited about the meeting of world leaders…

Start Now to Green Your Holiday Season

by Melanie Stewart Did you know that waste increases by 25% between Thanksgiving and New Year’s?  Not really surprising when you starting thinking about all the shopping, eating, and traveling. Luckily, there are a lot of things you can do to reduce your waste…

Help Us Help you

by Melanie Stewart LiveGreen has a lot of great stuff happening on campus, and we could really use your help on a couple of things: Since its installation in April of 2014 over 3,000 books have been donated to us and given away at…

Winterize Your Home

by Melanie Stewart With a little taste of cold weather last week, we are reminded that it’s not too late to make simple, inexpensive changes that can keep you comfortable this winter.  With almost 50% of your total energy bill going to heating, it…

Dig in for a Green Holiday Season

by Anne Rivas As we finish up outdoor chores this fall, let’s look at some actions we can take now to have a greener holiday season. For instance, it’s early enough to dig a hole for a live, ball and burlap holiday tree. Decide…

Green Your Halloween

By Melanie Stewart Did you know an estimated $7.4 billion was spent on Halloween last year with the average American  spending close to $80 on Halloween related stuff?  Unfortunately most Halloween costumes are intended to be single use items and are often made from…


by Melanie Stewart What is “greenwashing”? Even if you haven’t heard of the term, you’ve definitely experienced the practice. The term greenwashing describes the practice of promoting a product or practice of any company, group, organization, person or government in a way that makes…

Fall Gardening: Prep for Winter

by Anne Rivas Fall is my favorite time to plant.  I know I have it backwards, but I’ve always liked gardening better in the fall than in the spring. Some perennials can still be planted/divided, as can spring-flowering bulbs. The soil is warm, dry,…

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