by Anne Rivas
As we finish up outdoor chores this fall, let’s look at some actions we can take now to have a greener holiday season. For instance, it’s early enough to dig a hole for a live, ball and burlap holiday tree. Decide now what size tree you want, and figure out the best place to plant it, taking into account its eventual full-grown size, light and water requirements. The hole should be twice the size of the root ball, and you will want to save the dirt you remove so you can use it when you plant your tree after the holidays. Store the dirt in a shed or garage to keep it from freezing.
A potted houseplant can also serve as a holiday tree. We decorate a Norfolk Island Pine that spends the winters indoors and summers on the porch. Cut trees are still an option as they are a renewable resource, and can be tree-cycled.
Autumn’s colorful leaves, seed pods, and pine cones make wonderful decorations. When I was a child, we pressed leaves between sheets of waxed paper to preserve the color and keep the leaves from crumbling. One year,
my mother decorated the fireplace mantel with a branch sporting a large cocoon. With the warmth of the house and daily use of the fireplace, the cocoon hatched in November. We had tiny praying mantises everywhere to gently gather up and put outside. Unfortunately, it was the wrong time of year for the babies to hatch, and I doubt they survived the winter. Live and learn – don’t bring cocoons inside, no matter how interesting they look.
Pressed leaves can be composted when you no longer want them. Seeds from the seed pods, particularly milkweed, can be saved and planted in the spring. Check to see if the plants are invasive before planting.
Bring some herbs indoors for the winter or take cuttings to root. If you pot plants from your garden to bring in, rinse the dirt off and put them in clean potting soil to avoid bringing insects indoors. Potted herbs (without bugs) make great holiday gifts.
Household paper can be recycled into homemade paper for gift tags and holiday cards. You can even embed seeds in the paper so your homemade card can be planted outside in the spring.
By Melanie Stewart
Did you know an estimated $7.4 billion was spent on Halloween last year with the average American spending close to $80 on Halloween related stuff? Unfortunately most Halloween costumes are intended to be single use items and are often made from cheap, non-recyclable materials and are made of flame resistant fabrics which have been treated with toxic chemicals.
To help reduce waste and to help keep your family safe, LiveGreen has some tips for you to ‘Green your Halloween”
by Melanie Stewart
What is “greenwashing”? Even if you haven’t heard of the term, you’ve definitely experienced the practice.
The term greenwashing describes the practice of promoting a product or practice of any company, group, organization, person or government in a way that makes the consumer think that product or practice is “green” when it is not. If the company has spent more time or money claiming to be green than actually changing practices in order to minimize its impact, it’s engaging in greenwashing.
While greenwashing used to be uncommon, more people are looking for products and practices that are truly sustainable, healthy for their families, and kind to the environment. Some companies are willing to capitalize on that. With greenwashing, they can sell more products, confuse consumers into feeling good about the choices they are making, and create a pro-environmental feeling toward a company that wants to rehabilitate its image without
changing its ways.
Sometimes it’s obvious: Company A states its Styrofoam cups are green because they create less waste by weight. (Note: Styrofoam occupies more space in the landfill and doesn’t break down, and it releases chemicals into your drink.)
Sometimes it’s obvious later, as in the recent discovery that Volkswagen purposefully modified cars to bypass emission control equipment except during emission tests.
Sometimes it’s really hard to tell. Some cleaning products are listed as green, biodegradable, and safe, but how do you know that it’s true? So what’s a consumer to do?
Think it through. Don’t be fooled by pictures of trees, green colored labels, and fancy gimmicks. Beware of false labels, vague statements, and tradeoffs. Be aware of certain labels, like “Green Seal,” and look for them.
Do a little research. Before buying, learn about company practices and use these resources too.
Keep in mind that consuming less is always green!
True sustainability is good for the environment, people, and the economy — a practice can be green and also serve another purpose. For example, energy curtailment helps to keep energy costs low on campus which saves tax dollars, but also keeps air cleaner because less coal is burned. This is why we consider the “triple bottom line” when making decisions at UNMC and Nebraska Medicine.
While greenwashing can be confusing, don’t avoid actual green products and services; there are many companies and groups sincerely committed to making the world a better place.
By Melanie Stewart
Hopefully you are aware of Daily Rate Flexible Parking. Which was brought to campus to support people in the TravelSmart program and those coming to campus without a permit.
People driving to campus without a parking permit can park in one of three Daily Rate Flexible Parking lots (lot 36, 55, and 59, seen in map here). Parking spots are located in convenient locations on campus, you can pay on a free app or on a website (without having to call Parking), all while leaving visitor spots for patients and avoiding those nasty $100 tickets! Daily Rate Flexible Parking can be used by people participating in the TravelSmart program as well as people attending meetings/training here and those that only work on this campus periodically.
Many of you reached out to us with feedback noting primarily 2 things. You need more time and want to be able to leave campus and come back without having to repay.
We agree!
Beginning this weekend, October 17th, a Daily Rate Flexible Parking session will now be 20 hours long, but still at the same $3 per session cost. This will give you plenty of time to park, get to your location on campus, work a full shift/shift and a half, and get back to your car with time to spare.
Also beginning this weekend, Daily Rate Flexible Parking will be tracked by your license plate, not the parking stall. This will allow you to park in a Daily Rate Flexible Parking spot when you arrive on campus, leave during the day to run an errand, attend an off campus meeting, etc., and park again without paying, even if the spot you previously parked in has been taken.
You must park in one of the Daily Rate Flexible Parking lots and park in one of the stalls with white lines and numbers. When paying to park on the app or website you will only be asked for your license plate number, not the stall number. The app will also prompt you with these changes.
We hope these changes will make Daily Rate Flexible Parking easier for you and will allow more people to use perk to save money on your monthly parking permits.
If you have any questions, please contact
by Anne Rivas
Fall is my favorite time to plant. I know I have it backwards, but I’ve always liked gardening better in the fall than in the spring. Some perennials can still be planted/divided, as can spring-flowering bulbs. The soil is warm, dry, and crumbly – a pleasure to work with.
If you’ve kept up with the weeds, they’re slowing down now. If, like me, you haven’t kept up with the weeds, they’re going to seed now and must be destroyed. Weed seeds put into the compost over winter become the gift that keeps on giving when you spread the finished product over your garden, as home compost piles may not get hot enough to kill those seeds over the winter. One year, after spreading compost in the spring I had volunteer tomatoes and gourds in my front yard. I loved it but my neighbors took a dim view, especially when the aphids ate their back-yard tomatoes and left mine alone.
Put weeds with seeds in the trash instead of the compost. Annual flowers and vegetables that are done and not diseased can be composted or dug back into the soil. Diseased plants go in the trash.
Collect seeds from plants you like and scatter them where you want them to grow next year. Last year I collected seeds from various places and let them over-winter outside. They sprouted in the spring and I finally planted them in the garden. I hope they’ll survive this winter. Unfortunately, I didn’t label anything, so maybe I’ll figure out what they are next year.
As you continue to mow your lawn, let the clippings and shredded leaves lie. They’ll decompose and feed your soil. If you get too many leaves on your lawn to shred and – er – leave, run over them a few times with the mower and put them in your compost, set them aside until the ground freezes and use them for mulch, or dig them into your garden.
Continue to water everything well, particularly trees, shrubs, and roses. Remove old mulch under roses any time now and apply new mulch at the first hard freeze. Mulch keeps roots cold and protects them from frost heave during the winter. Don’t forget to drain the water out of your sprinkler system, if you have one, before the first hard freeze. After that you risk damage from water left in the lines.
You may have never heard of a Zipcar. It’s a cool new program that’s just arrived as part of our TravelSmart program. It’s the perfect option for folks who need a car in a pinch. It’s a self-service, on-demand car sharing program. You can rent a car by the hour of for a day or more.
“Zipcar can be used by anyone,” says Melanie Stewart, campus sustainability manager. “We wanted to offer Zipcar for folks who arrive without a car and may need one for work purposes or to run a personal errand.”
To use Zipcars, simply register as a member, reserve a car online or on your phone, use your Zipcard to scan into the car, and drive away. When you’re done, return the car to the same location where you picked it up.
As a member you get:
Wondering how it works? There are four simple steps to Zipcar freedom. Join today at Once you’re a member, reserve a car online or on your phone for as little as an hour or as long as seven days. Scan into the car using your Zipcard. (The keys are already in the car.) Drive away. (Just make sure to return the car at the end of your reservation.) You do not need to be a registered member of our TravelSmart program.
With Zipcar parked right at on campus, conveniently located on the corner of 42nd and Leavenworth, it’s easy to get downtown, do errands or even road trip. And since Zipcar covers gas, insurance and 180 miles per day, you can enjoy the freedom of the open road without any of the extra costs.
Zipcar can also be used by guests, visitors, members of the community and patient families as long as they are 18 years old. They can also sign up by going to “Community Members” at
“At UNMC, there are many students who don’t own a car,” adds Stewart. “Of course we have many families at Nebraska Medicine who may need a car to run errands. This is the perfect option.”
If you have questions, please contact Melanie Stewart at
By Anne Rivas
“Enough is as good as a feast.” – Mary Poppins
We need to let go of the belief that we have unlimited resources and unlimited space to hide our garbage. Sweden burns its trash to generate energy, and they’ve gotten so efficient at recycling, composting, and burning their trash that they now import garbage from other countries.
Last week we talked about the eco footprint of the US. This week we are going to talk about what we can do to shrink it. Remember, Services covers infrastructure and manufacturing, among other things.
Let’s look at city planning. With the past 100 years of cars and cheap fuel, we have developed cities with businesses clustered together, and homes and schools clustered farther away. We need walkable neighborhoods with
workplaces, desirable housing and good schools close to each other. Some cities have efficient mass transit. Some cities don’t, because, as in Omaha, it’s easy to drive from one point to another in a fairly short time. A two-pronged approach, mass transit to move people between neighborhoods, and walkable neighborhoods that integrate workplaces, schools and housing will help to reduce our city footprint. Omaha has made a good beginning with the recent approval of Complete Streets.
Let’s look at building codes. We can establish higher energy conservation standards, and support passive solar and geothermal energy in new construction. We can invest in retro-fitting existing homes and businesses for greater efficiency. Some cities even provide help with gray water systems. Can we do that here?
We are extremely lucky to live in a farm state. I belong to a CSA, and I have a big yard with lots of room for vegetables. But all summer I have bought spinach (in a plastic box) that was grown in California. Why aren’t I eating the locally-grown kale from my CSA? Well, I’m tired of kale and I really like spinach. I know that’s lame. Moreover, I like mangoes, bananas and avocadoes, none of which grow here. I’m not saying we should only eat what we can grow ourselves; we need to be aware of the trade-offs we are making. We, too, can expand urban agriculture, shrinking some of the distance food travels (I see bunches of bananas carpooling with avocadoes. Road Trip!)
With backyard and community gardens, urban farms, walkable neighborhoods, and mass transit, our city footprint will shrink. It’s a start.
By Anne Rivas
Did you try the ecological footprint calculator from the article on September 1st? I did, and this is what I learned.
The Ecological Footprint score compares the amount of demand human consumption places on nature to the supply of productive land available to meet this demand (biocapacity). The score is given in the number of planets it would take to support all of us if everyone lived the same way.
Based on my answers, it would take four planets worth of resources to support all of us. I was shocked. After all, I compost, recycle, belong to a CSA, and don’t buy a lot of consumer goods. Cutting back by half on animal-based foods and purchasing products with minimal packaging put me just under 4 planets. I tried again, paring down to bare essentials – less meat, house under 1000 square feet – and got my score down to 3.4.
Just for fun I took the quiz in different countries, using the same values. My score was much better – 1.9 in Switzerland; 1.3 for only the essentials. A car was a significant environmental expense everywhere and using mass
transit, bicycling, and walking reduced my footprint considerably. (Pssst! One more reason to register for TravelSmart.)
What is the difference between North America and other parts of the world? Cost of Services. The Services category represents the environmental cost of national infrastructure, manufacturing, government, and public services. These are divided equally among the population so if a country has a large footprint, so does everyone in that country. The cost of Services in North America is around 2.6 planets, so a personal score of 3.4 is pretty good.
The website shows footprints for countries as well as the footprint of the world as a whole. The US runs on an ecological deficit, consistently exceeding its biocapacity, while some countries run at varying degrees of ecological credit. Unfortunately, the countries running at ecological credit do not compensate entirely for the countries running at a deficit, so right now the world is in ecological deficit.
What’s the purpose of this exercise? It shows the need to go beyond personal action to civic activism. We can ask our cities to find out their ecological footprints and use that information to find ways to reduce the environmental cost of our infrastructure. Tune in next week for the exciting sequel!
by Melanie Stewart
If you ride you bicycle as part of your commute (make sure you sign up for TravelSmart!) or for recreation, you know that some minor emergencies maintenance issues can take place at any time and turn your commute or leisurely ride into something less than perfect. Murphy’s Law says that these issues will never take place when you’re close to a bike shop which could leave you stranded.
Unless you know how to take care of them yourself.
Join LiveGreen for our first ever “Snack and Learn” as we bring you two experts who can help to make you cycling trip safer.
Bring your bike for some hands-on learning so that you can change a fat tire or replace the chain that has fallen off, all on your own. If you can’t bring your bike, that’s, OK you can still come and see what you need to do to make these repairs, and get your questions answered. You can also get some tips on riding safely in Omaha and finding a route that will work for you. Everything is free and LiveGreen will provide you with a snack!
Our experts:
Miah Sommer is the founder and executive director of The Bike Union Mentoring Project in Omaha, a social enterprise bicycle/coffee shop designed to provide workforce development for area youth. Miah will be here to provide instruction on basic roadside maintenance and answer any basic maintenance questions you may have. Madison Haugland is the Active Living Coordinator for Live Well Omaha and a league cycling instructor (LCI). She will be on hand to share her expertise on bike safety and will help you feel safe riding in Omaha.
by Melanie Stewart
The weather is starting to cool, students are returning to class, which means a new season has started: Football Season! With that in mind LiveGreen offers these tips to green your tailgate: