Climate Change Hope

by Melanie Stewart In last week’s article, I spoke of the threat of climate change. It affects every aspect of our lives, from the weather, our health, our economy, our safety and even our existence on the planet. It’s imperative that we discuss climate…

TravelSmart Survey Results and Gift Certificate Winner

By Melanie Stewart Earlier this fall, individuals who were on the TravelSmart interest group mailing list plus registered TravelSmart participants received a feedback survey.  If you took that survey, THANK YOU!  The information you provided was very helpful and not only lets us know…

Help Us Help you

by Melanie Stewart LiveGreen has a lot of great stuff happening on campus, and we could really use your help on a couple of things: Since its installation in April of 2014 over 3,000 books have been donated to us and given away at…

Changes to Daily Rate Flexible Parking

By Melanie Stewart Hopefully you are aware of Daily Rate Flexible Parking. Which was brought to campus to support people in the TravelSmart program and those coming to campus without a permit. People driving to campus without a parking permit can park in one…

Zipcar arrives at Nebraska Medical Center Campus

Need a car? Use a Zipcar!

Beyond Recycling

By Anne Rivas   “Enough is as good as a feast.” – Mary Poppins   We need to let go of the belief that we have unlimited resources and unlimited space to hide our garbage. Sweden burns its trash to generate energy, and they’ve…

Free Bicycle Maintenance Help

Get free, personal, instruction on basic bike repair and bike safety at LiveGreen’s first “Snack and Learn”!

Breathe Easy

Little changes can have a big impact on the air we breathe, and the positive and negative health effects that come with it.

TravelSmart Questions Answered: Yes, It’s Really Free!

Interested in TravelSmart but not sure on the details? Check out these answers to some of our most asked questions.

Anatomy of a Parking Fee

Last fall we started a process to provide more alternatives to transport people to work in ways other than a single occupant vehicle.  As we work on these Active Transportation options, the most common concern we hear revolves around the cost of parking: Why…

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