New Elevators in Clarkson Tower

Replacement of Elevators Save Energy Too

Reducing Holiday Season Waste

The pandemic will likely change your holiday plans, but you can make some new, sustainable traditions.

LiveGreen hosting webinar on stress and anxiety

The holidays always bring on extra stress, we have tips to deal with it at anytime

ORBT Launches

Transportation in Omaha Takes a Giant Leap Forward

America Recycles Day

Recycling can have a big impact when done correctly, we can help!

The Med Center is Now a Composting Drop-Off Location

Individuals can join program to compost personal waste

Think Before You Print

Not printing that ‘one’ sheet of paper can, and has, had a big impact

Healthy Earth Alliance

Students work to create an impact on campus, while volunteering to help our community

Free Trees for Fall Planting

Med Center Receives Trees as Part of Grant; Great Time for You to Plant Too

Chilled Beams

Innovative technology keeps spaces cool, while saving energy