Recycling updates support med center waste reduction goals

The UNMC Office of Sustainability has updates to share on the med center’s waste infrastructure that will help advance its waste reduction goals.

Green Labs initiative to promote sustainable research 

Green Labs initiative to promote sustainable research 

Net zero waste goals met for Employee Appreciation Day

The UNMC Office of Sustainability held a successful zero-waste event at UNMC’s Employee Appreciation Day, meaning that at least 90% of waste by weight was diverted from the landfill.

LiveGreen Ambassadors participate in campus clean-up

LiveGreen Ambassadors participate in campus clean-up

LiveGreen: A new way to recycle lab coats

The med center is always looking for opportunities to reduce waste and improve its impact on the environment, from recycling batteries to going styrofoam free.

Blankets for Kids

Old lab coats helping kids, seniors

Construction and Demolition Waste

When buildings are remodeled, what happens to all that “stuff”?

(Not) Printing has a huge impact on campus

As vaccinations increase and more come back to campus, don’t change your printing habits

Plastic is Everywhere

Plastic exists in every room of our home, but there are plastic-free options

Reducing Holiday Season Waste

The pandemic will likely change your holiday plans, but you can make some new, sustainable traditions.