Blankets for Kids

Old lab coats helping kids, seniors

Construction and Demolition Waste

When buildings are remodeled, what happens to all that “stuff”?

(Not) Printing has a huge impact on campus

As vaccinations increase and more come back to campus, don’t change your printing habits

LED Lighting Changes Yield Impressive Results

LiveGreen is de-lighted to provide an update on this project

Plastic is Everywhere

Plastic exists in every room of our home, but there are plastic-free options

New Elevators in Clarkson Tower

Replacement of Elevators Save Energy Too

Reducing Holiday Season Waste

The pandemic will likely change your holiday plans, but you can make some new, sustainable traditions.

LiveGreen hosting webinar on stress and anxiety

The holidays always bring on extra stress, we have tips to deal with it at anytime

ORBT Launches

Transportation in Omaha Takes a Giant Leap Forward

America Recycles Day

Recycling can have a big impact when done correctly, we can help!
