Social distancing presents challenges beyond decreased access to basic needs and services. Disruptions to daily routines, isolation and anxiety around circumstances can lead to poisoning, both accidental and intentional.
Children are naturally curious and like to mimic the adults in their lives. Because of this, it is important to:
Unused medications can be abused by family members creating an unnecessary risk. Medications not properly disposed of are often trashed or flushed, both having negative effects on the environment, animals, and people downstream.
Nebraska Medicine’s three outpatient pharmacies (DOC, Bellevue, and University Health Center in Lincoln) offer a free drop-off site for unneeded, unwanted, or expired medications. Any medication, including controlled substances/those in liquid form, can be dropped into the box. It’s a service to our patients, colleagues, and students to provide a way to properly and safely dispose of medications. Community locations can be found here.
Many people are focusing on cleaning in their homes. Remember these safety tips:
If soap and water is not available, hand sanitizers may help decrease unwanted germs on hands. Children are attracted to hand sanitizers because packaging may be in brightly colored bottles and smell like candy or food. These products usually contain > 60% ethyl alcohol which could cause alcohol poisoning. Some of the “homemade” sanitizers may not have labeling of ingredients and could pose a danger with exposure in mouth or eyes. Tips to keep in mind:
If you or a family member has ____ call the Nebraska Regional Poison Center, 1-800-222-1222—a free community service to the public available 24/7/365. You will speak immediately to a Registered Nurse or Pharmacist.
By Blake Van Jacobs
As we move into a time where we are cleaning as much as we can, how do we know what products are environmentally friendly and safe for our health? Cleaning products are not always regulated but there are a couple of certifications to look for when shopping for natural cleaners. These certifications set environmental and human health standards, as well as performance standards.
Green Seal sets criteria for toxicity limits, indoor air quality, chemicals of concern, waste reduction, manufacturing processes, and water and energy use. Green Seal also sets strict performance standards for the cleaning products they certify. Specifically, general purpose cleaners must kill 80% of the particulate soil and bathroom cleaners must kill 75% of the particulate soil in the American Society for Testing and Materials. Green Seal is one of the most trusted standards when it comes to natural cleaning products that are a better option than other more toxic cleaning products.
The second certification is from Underwriters Laboratories (UL) EcoLogo Certification. This criteria includes materials, product performance, human and environmental health impacts, waste diversion, and natural resource conservation. These certifications will indicate which cleaners will disinfect properly, in addition to being safe for the environment and your home.
Besides reviewing the labels that certify the cleaners, avoid products that have labels saying warning, poison, flammable, or corrosive. Also, try to refrain from purchasing aerosol cans, these produce volatile organic compounds which creates an unhealthy gas that makes indoor air quality worse.
Homemade cleaners are effective and can save you money, while being less toxic than traditional cleaners. For bathroom surfaces, countertops and cutting boards, use a 10% vinegar/90% hot water mixture to remove germs, mold, and dirt. For toilets and bathtubs, you can scrub the fixtures using baking soda , while vinegar works great on mirrors. Worried about COVID-19? Don’t forget about good ‘ole soapy water. The soap/detergent destroys the outside of the virus and kills it. It’s cheaper for you and less harmful than bleach and other cleaners. These homemade cleaners are natural, easy to use, and will get surfaces cleaned and sanitized. LiveGreen has also tested several specific cleaners to make sure they are effective, and those recipes can be found here.
Have a favorite homemade cleaner? Send your recipe to and we’ll add it to the list for others to try.
By Melanie Stewart
Like many things in 2020, Earth Month looked a little different this year. Instead of a variety of in-person events to celebrate the Earth Day’s 50th anniversary we, like everyone else, had to pare things back and find ways to do them while social distancing.
Here’s a quick recap:
We had the Repurpose It contest again, and your creative colleagues did not disappoint! If you missed the contest, you can still see the entries here. There are a lot of great ideas that you use as inspiration to reuse. Your winners are:
1st place, Merrilou Klug, bicycle wheel trellis, wins $25 gift certificate to The Company Store.
2nd place, Debi Griffith, old piano pieces holds jewelry, wins a green-thumb basket from Union Junktion ($25 value)
3rd place, Debbie Vidlak, table legs/window become new desk, wins $25 UNMC Bookstore gift certificate.
We hosted our first ever internet scavenger hunt and many of you took part! We hope you had fun and learned something new. There are lots of prize winners so we’ve contacted them directly and posted their names to the webpage so you can know too.
We also celebrated Arbor Day. None of us were there to watch or help, but a Chinkapin Oak was planted in front of the Harold M. and Beverly Maurer Center for Public Health. This is the first Chinkapin on campus, which aids in biodiversity and disease protection. Chinkapins like direct sun and adapts to soil types making this location a good fit—and replaces the tree that was hit by a car last year. As it grows, it will provide a great amount of shade for people to enjoy with a great view of the plaza.
Last but not least, we fielded a team to take place in the online Earth Day Ecochallenge. Our team did great—we finished 12th out of 818 national/international teams! We also challenged UNO’s team and more than doubled them up on points…not that we’re bragging or anything. The “little” actions taken by members of our team resulted in the savings of more than 3,000 gallons of water and 2,800 lbs of CO2, while reducing food waste, disposable plastic, and miles traveled by car, just to name a few. Impressive all the way around!
The format for this Earth Month may not have been our preference, but it worked and we had a great time finding new ways adapt.
News stories are showing a decrease in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in places around the world. A Stanford University study of China estimated that by early March, reduction in pollution already had saved (by most conservative measures) more than 53,000 lives there.
Here in Nebraska, statewide traffic volume decreased as much as 35% during the week of April 12- 18 when compared to annual averages from 2016-2018 for the same time period. Traffic on Omaha’s streets and highways decreased by as much as 39% in mid-April. While this is not a tool that shows local impacts of GHG emissions and reduced travel, a new interactive tool simulates various emission scenarios and allows users to change the percentage of people living in the U.S. participating in climate-friendly behaviors, such as working from home.
While this extraordinary reduction of GHG emissions is something to take note of, the effects may be temporary. Stay-at-home orders will not last forever, and when cities reopen, societies and economies will start to return to business as usual. If that happens, global GHG emissions could rebound and return to pre-COVID-19 levels, compromising everyone’s health.
That said, these reductions demonstrate the impact we can have as individuals. Every time we choose to walk, bike, carpool, or use transit, we reduce those harmful emissions and have a positive effect. Our impact can be even greater as our actions can help to guide decision makers as the “next normal” begins: reductions were great enough in Milan, Italy, that city officials are changing how the city reopens, re-imagining and redesigning city streets and sidewalks that prioritize pedestrians and cyclists and their safety.
National Transportation Week may be a little different this year, as we focus on walking and biking to maintain social distancing. UNMC also has joined forces with the University of Nebraska at Omaha to take part in the National Bike Challenge. It runs May-September, and participants can create their own goals, log bike miles (for commuting or recreation). It’s app friendly and offers prizes. Members of the med center community and their families can join the UNMC/Nebraska Medicine team.
Regardless of the changes made, every trip that uses active transportation improves the health of everyone who breathes.
By Tina Spencer
The third Friday of every May is National Transportation Day, which was created to help honor the work of employees in the transportation industry. This year we are more grateful for our bus drivers and other transportation service providers, as they continue to connect our essential workers, healthcare providers, and patients throughout the city at great personal risk.
Usually we would ask that, to honor National Transportation Week, you try taking the bus for the first time or encourage a friend to do so. Taking the bus has a healthy and positive impact on everyone’s health as emissions from road vehicles are the largest contributors to air pollution. Due to the need to continue our efforts to limit the spread of the coronavirus, this year is different. Our focus during this year’s National Transportation Week will be on walking and biking, another healthy form of active transportation.
As the weather grows warmer and the potential to spend more time outside increases, consider using a bicycle for exercise and even to pick up essentials. Now is a great time to perform routine maintenance on your own bike such as adjusting brakes, repairing any flat tires and maintaining bicycle chains. Be safe and don’t forget to wear a helmet! Make sure it fits correctly so it protects your head.
If you don’t own a bike, Heartland Bike Share has stations available on campus and in the Omaha metro area for you to check out a bike and ride! Bike sharing offers a great chance for you to choose active transportation for short trips and it’s a great health benefit as well. Riding a bike is good exercise for our physical health, while also getting to where you need to be. Biking and walking can help to increase blood flow, release endorphins, and reduce overall stress, helping to improve mental health and increase energy. Always remember to be respectful of pedestrians on local trails, and keep your distance!
LiveGreen will be hosting an online conversation with Miah Sommer, Founder and Executive Director of the Bike Union Mentoring Project on Tuesday, May 12th from 10:30-11:00. He will discuss the history of the project, ongoing programs and some tips for keeping your bike in good shape while shops are closed.
Check out our Facebook page for transportation posts all week!
By Tina Spencer
As Earth month comes to a close this year, it’s important that we look back and reflect on the importance of why it matters. As the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day was celebrated in the midst of a global pandemic, much has been revealed about the health of human beings and our planet.
In Delhi, India, many are seeing blue skies for the first time ever, due to COVID-19 restrictions that have resulted in less air pollution. With businesses shut down and barely any vehicular traffic, Delhi’s skies went from hazy and gray to bright blue as residents revel in the fresh air accompanied by the very positive environmental change. Delhi’s change is dramatic, but stories like this are being realized around the world.
As you may already know, air pollution severely impacts health around the world, especially heart and lung functions. According to the World Health Organization, one third of deaths from stroke, lung cancer and heart disease are due to air pollution. Essentially, less pollution means improved health.
The United Health Foundation’s America’s Health Ratings for air pollution, Nebraska is ranked 19th. While Nebraska’s air pollution isn’t the worst, the Omaha area needs immediate attention, and we can do more to improve the health of Nebraskans. There are things that all of us can do to positively impact air pollution, like conserving energy by turning off lights or reducing the number of trips you take in your car.
The immediate social distancing/stay-at-home orders have shown the impact we have on our environment—both good and bad. COVID-19 is an obviously serious situation, but it has also shown that we are “better together”. We’ve seen others rise to many challenges and come together quickly to rearrange both personal and work life. We’ve had online interactions with everyone from like-minded individuals around the world to regular meetings with your team at the Med Center, to family members near and far.
Our efforts to slow the spread of the virus, and help others while we’re at it, is a shining example of doing better together.
This pandemic is demonstrating that we have to raise our awareness and modify our actions as we seek to change systems and personal habits which currently negatively impacts our planet. Hopefully, people will begin to understand our living planet’s connection to their (hopefully improved) human health. We are better together.
By Tina Spencer
Author Rachel Carlson’s writings in the early 60’s helped spark the global environmental movement which would eventually lead to the establishment of Earth Day. Ms. Carson’s book, Silent Spring, showed her passionate concern for the future of the planet and all life on earth calling imploring humans to act responsibly, carefully and as stewards of the living earth.
Earth Day began because of a unified response to an environment in crisis – oil spills, smog, rivers so polluted they literally caught fire. On April 22, 1970 millions of Americans took to the streets, college campuses and hundreds of cities to protest environmental ignorance and demand a new way forward for our planet with the goal of raising awareness about mankind’s role in protecting our natural world. Environmental protection is important to our physical health and the health of our planet.
This year will mark Earth Day’s 50th anniversary and the theme is climate change. Climate change impacts us in many ways: agriculture and food security, air pollution, drinking water supply, transportation, energy, ecosystems/biodiversity, and more—all of which impact human health.
Earth Day has become a popular day for many communities to gather together and clean up litter, plant trees, or simply reflect on the beauty of nature. For 50 years Earth Day has increased awareness of the planet we live on, our impact on the environment, and how that changed environment impacts us.
Despite the global coronavirus pandemic, Earth Day can and will be celebrated in many ways. Although people can’t gather in large groups, there are many online events being offered, in addition to activities you can do at home on your own. For ideas to inspire or motivate you, check out:
It’s also not too late to join our Ecochallenge team! We’re currently in 10th place, and are beating UNO, but would love your help. Our earth needs your help, too. Individual actions do make a difference and global change requires all of us taking action. We all need to work together to protect the environment to make it a healthier place to live.
By Melanie Stewart
The RePurpose It Contest has some great projects to show off. Your colleagues (and their kids) are incredibly talented and creative! We hope looking at these entries will inspire you to look at items you have in your home a different way, helping you save money and reduce waste. Voting is open, so make sure you check out all the entries here and vote here.
Don’t forget, you can earn prizes by participating (at your own time/pace) in our internet scavenger hunt. It’s also not too late to join our Ecochallenge team!
Heartland Bike Share wants to thank everyone involved in healthcare for their extraordinary efforts of late, even if you aren’t a direct patient care provider. To get a free annual membership (valued at $100):
Once you have signed up, you can check out a bike at any station with the BCycle App or at the kiosk. A live map of all stations & bike availability (including electric assist bicycles!) can be found on the website & the BCycle App, and the 42nd and Dewey campus has 6 stations.
Your membership is good for a year, but if you take a bike out now, don’t forget to maintain appropriate social distancing—at the kiosk and on the trails. Heartland B-cycle is taking extra steps to disinfect high-touch surfaces and you can learn more here.
That said, bicycles can be returned to any station at any time. All users should take their own precautions disinfecting bikes before you ride, wearing gloves, washing your hands, and not touching your face. Don’t forget your helmet!
By Melanie Stewart
It’s April and that means it’s Earth Month—even if it doesn’t really feel like it. COVID-19 has dominated our lives for the past month and forced all kinds of changes, with many working from home and/or trying to keep kids occupied.
We recognize the seriousness of the situation, but also know that this could be a time to make changes that will have a positive impact—on your family’s health, your pocketbook, and the environment around you.
The first is a home waste audit. With limited trips outside your home, the waste stream you are responsible for is easy to track—and make changes. Count the number of bags of trash vs. recyclables for a week (or day, whatever is easiest) and then work with everyone in your family to get the right things in the right container. Maybe your spouse doesn’t know the gable-topped milk/juice containers can be recycled, or maybe your family needs a place to collect glass. Check out KeepOmahaBeautiful’s page or Wasteline for more information. If your family has a lot of organics, consider composting in your backyard, or through a compost club.
Don’t forget to reduce! Replace disposable items with reusable–no need to hoard paper towels/napkins if you have fabric alternatives, and they’ll save you money in the long run. Consider the packaging of items you buy and find alternatives whenever possible.
Other possibilities:
Earth Month is going to look a little different this year, but COVID-19 isn’t going to stop us from celebrating the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. We are going to postpone the personal document shredding/electronic recycling event to a future date, but we will still have it. So, if the changes to your weekend plans includes some spring cleaning, keep all your electronics, techno trash, batteries, eyeglasses, and paper for the big event. For details on what we will and won’t accept, go here.
We still hope to have free trees to share for Arbor Day, and if so, we’ll find a way to do that while keeping everyone safe.
We are still having the RePurpose It contest. We know that recent events may have changed things, so we have extended the submission deadline to April 6th. Don’t forget that you can enter more than one item. Also, while the project needs to be done by you, it doesn’t have to be done by only you. If you have kids (or spouse?) that needs a project while they are at home and they want to do most of the work, that’s great! Don’t overthink this, just find something that’s outlived its original purpose, and find a different way to use it. Check out our webpage for rules and helpful hints and our Pinterest page for inspiration.
We have also set up an EcoChallenge team. It’s free, and entirely online. You get to pick the topics and actions you want to participate in (can be changing a habit, learning about a new topic, or completing a single action) to earn points. EcoChallenge also gives out prizes. Not only can you join our team—anyone can! So if you have kids, friends, family, neighbors, etc. that you think would be interested, we’d love to have them on our team. UNO has officially challenged us to a battle, and we need to defend our title!
We will also being doing our first ever online scavenger hunt. You’ll be able to participate at your convenience and everything will be online. Participation will help you learn more about sustainability as well as campus programs and successes. We’ll have lots of prizes to hand out for this too! Scavenger hunt items will be posted on this page on April 6th.