Ride Your Bike to Work? In January?

One Colleague Rides Everyday to Promote Health and Save Money

America Recycles Day

It’s easy to celebrate with a lasting impact

Why Recycle?

Waste Less. Recycle More. @Lunch campaign asks you to recycle, but why?

Waste Less. Recycle More. @ Lunch!

LiveGreen begins new campaign to increase recycling

Way to go, TravelSmarties!

By Melanie Stewart TravelSmart participants set a record with Metro Congratulations TravelSmarties!  You set a new record with Metro, recording 3,870 bus rides in the month of September.  That averages out to 681 trips each weekday and 233 trips each weekend-day!  Did you know…

Health Effects of a Warmer Climate

By Melanie Stewart This week is Global Climate Change Week; encouraging academic communities to engage each other on climate change solutions.  The topic of Global Climate Change seems too big to grasp, and has become highly politicized. We aren’t going to talk about that…

Med Center reaches energy, water reduction goals

We shared these achievements with you in April, but this article wasn’t posted here at that time.

Ash Trees on Campus

With the Emerald Ash Borer lucking, the med center campus is treating the healthy Ash trees while removing the diseased or damaged.

I Want to Ride a B-cycle, I Want to Ride a Bike

B-cycle looking for your input as they expand services

Executive Sustainability Council

Executive Sustainability Council has its first meeting, charged with Sustainability Master Plan