Energy curtailment continues

This week is another hot one, and the medical center has been and will continue to be in and out of curtailment throughout the summer.

Design guidelines improve sustainability

Changes in designing, constructing and operating spaces will help the med center reach its 2030 sustainability goals.

World Population DaY

Last Sunday, July 11, was World Population Day.

Project reduced energy use

Reducing energy use is an important part of the medical center’s effort to achieve net zero building emissions by 2030.

International Plastic Bag Free Day is July 3

International Plastic Bag Free Day is July 3

Recycling event a success

The medical center diverted a total of 12,040 pounds from landfill this year during the annual recycling event.

Sustainability win with reusable isolation gowns

Nebraska Medicine is saving 2,000 disposable gowns a day!

Med center in energy curtailment

UNMC and the Nebraska Medical Center will be in energy curtailment through Friday.

World Oceans Day

Today is World Oceans Day — a day essentially as important as Earth Day, considering how much the ocean supports humanity and all other organisms on earth.

World Environment Day is June 5

This Saturday, June 5, is World Environment Day. This day was founded in 1972, and in the following years, a platform was created to raise awareness about the many problems facing the environment. Some of these problems include air pollution, plastic pollution, sea level increase and…