Sustainability council starts its sixth year

The Med Center leverages its resources to achieve its 2030 sustainability goals.

Sustainable New Year’s resolutions

Welcome to 2022, here are a few resolutions with a sustainable twist.

Reduce-regift-recycle for the holidays

Looking for ways to avoid the naughty list? We have you covered.

Take note of med center’s urban prairies

The med center has replaced turf grass with native prairie plantings in two areas on campus.

Human Rights Day connects to sustainable development

Every year on Dec. 10, we observe Human Rights Day.

World conference sets new climate pact

The COP26 is over, here are the main takeaways.

Instead of Black Friday, try Buy Nothing Day

Instead of Black Friday, this year try Buy Nothing Day

Meet Jerrod Bley, UNMC’s new sustainability manager

Meet Jerrod Bley, UNMC’s new Sustainability Manager

Campus Sustainability Month roundtable recap

For Campus Sustainability Month, UNMC collaborated with other higher education institutions to host a virtual roundtable.

World Vegan Month

As we transition into November, it’s time to reflect on World Vegan Month.