President Carter releases NU System sustainability measures

University of Nebraska President Ted Carter has released a new set of sustainability measures for the NU System, drawn from input and ideas from an 80-member team of faculty, staff and students from across the campuses.

International day of women and girls in science

Did you know that women are typically given smaller research grants than their male

Environmental injustice hurts communities of color

Environmental injustice hurts communities of color

Human Rights Day connects to sustainable development

Every year on Dec. 10, we observe Human Rights Day.

National Honey Bee Day

This Saturday, Aug. 21, is National Honey Bee Day.

World Population DaY

Last Sunday, July 11, was World Population Day.

World Oceans Day

Today is World Oceans Day — a day essentially as important as Earth Day, considering how much the ocean supports humanity and all other organisms on earth.

World Environment Day is June 5

This Saturday, June 5, is World Environment Day. This day was founded in 1972, and in the following years, a platform was created to raise awareness about the many problems facing the environment. Some of these problems include air pollution, plastic pollution, sea level increase and…

Project Drawdown

As these numbers continue to rise, it seems harder and harder to reach a point where we are actually decreasing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere.

Marking World Wetlands Day

Today is World Wetlands Day.
