For the Birds

by Anne RivasAnne0701[1]

I intended to write this article a month ago, but it was warm then and the subject didn’t seem important.  Now it’s cold again and the seed heads I purposely left in my garden are either depleted or frozen to the ground under the weight of the snow we had a little while ago.

What am I talking about?  I’m talking about feeding the birds.  A few weeks ago my yard was full of woodpeckers, cardinals, blue jays, chickadees and, yes, a couple of either very tough or very confused robins, and I enjoyed watching them.  There were other birds too, but I don’t know what they were.  They all seemed to have plenty to eat and foraged under the leaf mulch around the bushes.  Now the yard is a frozen wasteland – no birds, no squirrels, at least nothing I can see.

I haven’t put out bird feeders, but I did put out muffins that we forgot to eat, hoping to entice the little feathered darlings to come back.  Well, the dog ate what she could reach and the rest sat there for a week. I didn’t see any birds, so I brushed the crumbs off into the snow.

Here are some tips from the National Wildlife Federation:

  • Birds need a winter water source – set out a pan of warm water sometime during the day.Card0224[1]
  • Put out seeds, cracked corn, nuts, and suet. The added fat helps keep birds warm.
  • Leave the seed heads of asters, cone flowers and other plants in the fall.
  • Leave the berries and other fruit on native trees and bushes.
  • Leave your fallen leaves on the ground; decaying leaf litter provides a home for insects, a feast for the birds.
  • Provide shelter – evergreens, a brush pile, bird houses if you’re ambitious.
  • Clean your bird feeders every 2 weeks to prevent mold and bacteria that may make birds sick.
  • Rake the ground below feeders to limit accumulation of waste.
  • Keep your cat indoors – it’s so much fun to watch a cat watching birds!
  • Put feeders 30 feet away from windows or within 3 feet of a window to reduce deaths by window strikes…far enough away so they can avoid a strike or close enough that they can’t pick up enough speed to seriously injure themselves.

Maybe this weekend I’ll put out birdseed, or at least a pan of warm water once a day.

Re-using ‘retired’ lab coats

Lab-coat-pic-1As announced in Nebraska Medicine Now and  UNMC Today, lab coats with the old brand will be retired Aug. 15. Some of you already have new coats and others will be getting them soon.

That led to the question: what can we do with the old one besides sending it to the landfill?

LiveGreen set out to find a sustainable option, ideally either recycling or upcycling them into something else.

Unfortunately it’s hard to recycle a fabric that is a blend (65% polyester/35% cotton) especially with the cotton on the lesser side.  This blend helps lab coats stand the test of time though, so they should be able to be reused, right?

I looked into some options and found that they could be used on our own medical service trips and some local schools could use them as well.  They often don’t have the budget for heavy coats and buy plastic aprons that are thrown away.  If we can get coats to them, it’s a win-win-win!

Turns out it’s not quite that simple.  UNMC and Nebraska Medicine want to protect your identity as well as their credibility—we can’t have people running around in lab coats pretending to work here or worse yet, pretending to be you.

So, back to the question at hand, what can we do with old coats?  It turns out it doesn’t take too much effort to remove the branded patch and, if applicable, the embroidery with your name and department.  This is especially true if you only remove enough so that words aren’t legible.

If you would like to see your old lab coat donated to a worthy cause, you can remove your name, department, and patch and then:

  • Contact Sara Pirtle to donate them to the medical service trips.
  • Drop them off at the UNMC Bookstore. They also use them to send to groups on campus to try on (so they don’t have to go to the bookstore, particularly good for people out of town).  If you have large quantities call them to schedule pickup.
  • Drop them off at The Company Store, located on the first level of Clarkson Tower near the entrance to Clarkson Cafe.
  • Contact LiveGreen to schedule a pickup.

Farm-fresh produce available to UNMC community

By UNMC Public Relations

For the fourth consecutive year, UNMC students and employees can sign up to receive farm-fresh produce and dairy delivered weekly to campus this summer. The deadline is March 31 to sign up for the UNMC Community Supported Agriculture (CSA).

CSA will begin delivery the week of May 18.

Robin Jaeckel, administrative associate for the dean’s office in the College of Public Health, coordinates UNMC’s corporate membership.

“We bring the farmer’s market to you. The bags are conveniently delivered to the Maurer Center for Public Health building,” she said.

For the first time this year, participants can arrange to pick up their CSA bags at any Omaha area Hy-Vee.Bags0212

A standard produce bag is $20 per week and a standard produce bag plus bi-weekly eggs and cheese is $25 per week. A small loaf of bread from Great Harvest and other local bakeries and organic eggs are available at extra cost. Participants also can order additional items available in the store from Tomāto Tomäto’s website and pick them up with their weekly bag.

The program, organized by Tomāto Tomäto, a year-round indoor Farmer’s Market in West Omaha, was first introduced in the fall of 2012 and UNMC was a test site. The program has grown in popularity among employees, from 37 to 109 participants, Jaeckel said. Now, Nebraska Medicine and Children’s Hospital are corporate sponsors as well.

Fresh food will be delivered to campus one day every week in the CSA bags until Aug. 29. “If you get something you don’t like or can’t have, you can swap it with another ‘bag buddy’ or donate it,” Jaeckel said. Co-workers can split the cost and contents of the bag if this is too much produce for them.

Tomāto Tomäto also inserts a weekly newsletter in the bags that identifies the farmers who supplied the produce and simple recipes for the produce. Jaeckel also emails the bag’s contents and more recipes to participants a few days before the weekly delivery.

Contact Jaeckel to obtain a UNMC corporate enrollment form.

A Stairwell Worth a Stare

stairwellnessThere’s something new to look at when you take the stairs in University Tower.  Brightly colored paintings now fill the landings of the stairwells, taking the place of the institutional blank walls.

LiveGreen volunteer Cindy Hanssen and Kara Haworth sold reusable hot/cold beverage cups to raise money for the murals.  The original mural was painted by Omaha North Students as part of Nebraska Medicine’s “Stairwellness” program.

Enthusiastic feedback made it obvious that the rest of the walls were pretty drab.  To continue the effort to improve employee and patient experiences, more cups were sold and Legacy funds allocated for painting the rest of the stairwells.  Hanssen found Kelli Zaugg and Stephen Kavanaugh; both local artists to paint murals on additional landings.

“The murals give people a different perspective than a white wall to look at while moving from floor to floor and are in different styles to appeal to a variety of tastes. We are excited to support local artists and to have the public art on campus.” Hanssen says.

“It’s pretty cool for a hospital to do something like this” Kavanaugh said.

The feedback from patients and employees has been so positive, that Channel 3 recently featured the work in a news story.

You can help conserve power, burn calories, improve your health and lift your spirits, and reduce waste while filling your reusable mug with coffee at a reduced price.  It’s a win-win-win-win-win, so stop waiting for the elevator and go check out the murals in the stairs!  The final landing will be painted soon.

Need more motivation to take the stairs?

  • You will get there faster. Taking a quick flight or two of stairs beats waiting for the elevator.
  • You burn more than 50% more calories walking up stairs than on flat surfaces and 66% more calories than standing in an elevator.
  • This will leave more space in elevators for patients and visitors.
  • Save the energy required to move the elevators from floor to floor.
  • Movement can improve your overall health.
  • Make your Fitbit happy.
  • Use stairs throughout the day to help you keep your New Year’s resolution

Next time you are in the area, be sure to check it out!

By the way, these benefits apply to all stairwells on campus

Got Supplies?

You’ve probably heard of the medical service trips International Health & Medicine leads to underdeveloped areas around the world.  This year is no different as almost 70 people will be headed to Jamaica and Nicaragua, as well as a local Native American Reservation.  Students from COM, CON, COP, COPH, and SAPH will give up their spring break to work in the heat, bugs, and extreme poverty to treat the citizens in these areas, which often lack access to even the most basic medical care.  Thousands of people are treated each year while students and staff gain a meaningful cultural and medical experience.

Did you know our volunteers need supplies and equipment to take with them to Jamaica and Nicaragua?

Basic items like band-aids & gauze, vitamins, and even medication are needed.  Health care workers often don’t have lab coats or protective equipment, don’t have equipment to help them diagnose the malady, and may still be learning from outdated books.

In order to provide extraordinary care and cutting edge research, we often upgrade equipment but the old versions still work.  But those models are still far more advanced than many of the areas they visit have.  In some cases this can apply to the 2000 version or the 1980 version.

Instead of sending these items to surplus, consider sending them to help patients in other countries receive a higher standard of care.  Don’t have equipment, how about supplies?

Here’s what you need to know:

  • All medical supplies, medications, and ointments need to be unopened and non-expired.
  • Unopened/non-expired toothpaste and toothbrushes are always welcome.
  • Non-prescription medications and other over the counter items are needed, everything from anti-biotic creams and anti-fungals, to pain meds and vitamins.
  • Medical/teaching books are welcome, as long as they aren’t volumes—volunteers have to carry them down there!
  • Equipment must be in working condition. If you have instruction manuals, include them.
  • Equipment cannot be too high tech or require a lot of hard to get supplies—these countries don’t have the infrastructure to support it.

Don’t know what to do with you old lab coat once you get your newly branded one?  They need those too!  Just remove the UNMC/TNMC/UNMCP patch and the embroidery so no one can pretend to be you.

Have items to donate?  Want to check on a supply or piece of equipment first?  Contact Sara Pirtle at or 559-2924.

Tap Into Better Health

Plastic water bottles are terrible.  There, I said it.  Don’t get me wrong, they are convenient and hydration is important, but the bottles are terrible.

Did you know:

  • It takes 17 million barrels of oil to make the bottles to meet America’s annual bottled water consumption. That’s enough to fuel more than 1 million cars for a year!
  • That same process also emits 2.5 million tons of CO2.
  • Bottled water is 3,000% more expensive per gallon than tap water.
  • The federal government requires far more rigorous and frequent safety testing of municipal drinking water. Bottled water generally is no cleaner, safer, or healthier than tap water.
  • Up to 50% of all bottled water comes straight from the tap—no extra filtering.
  • Bottled water samples have been shown to contain phthalates, mold, microbes, benzene, trihalomethanes, and arsenic.
  • If you leave that plastic bottle in your hot car it gets worse. The heat helps to leach synthetic chemicals which have been linked to cancer and it promotes bacterial growth that can be passed on to you and negatively affect your health.
  • Only 14% of plastic water bottles get recycled. That mean 86% go to the landfill or become litter.

And none of these stats pertain to other plastic bottle beverages—when you consider pop, juice, and other drinks, the effect is staggering.

But wait there’s more!

The world spends more than $100 billion on bottled water a year which gives some corporations incredible power.  They work through governments to privatize water sources.  This is so prevalent it’s contributing to worldwide water scarcity.  These corporations and some governments make money while the poorest citizens are left without a basic human necessity.  Occupants of third-world countries may be forced to walk for a day to get water clean enough to drink, and we are affected too.  Companies are taking water from streams and springs, even in drought stricken areas, draining crucial resources and leading to increased pollution.

So, what can you do?

  • Don’t buy anything in plastic bottles.
  • Instead, buy a reusable bottle and fill it with good ol’ tap water! Buy a filter if you need to.
  • Order carafes of water with reusable glasses at your next event.
  • Educate yourself and others, starting with this video.


Wait, Wait, Don’t Push that Button Yet!

Button0120You rush up to a building and it’s so cold out that you hit that magical door opening button, also known as an ADA button, so you don’t have to touch the handle.  The door swings open for you and you scamper inside.

You’ve done a good deed, right?  You kept your hands cleaner, used a button that is meant to be used, and in the case of the DOC and Clarkson, didn’t use the big revolving door to sweep cold air into the building.  Those are all good thoughts, but unfortunately, wrong.

ADA buttons are designed to be used by people who cannot hold the door open for themselves while safely getting through the doorway.  They can also be used in areas where large items, generally carts or beds, will be taken through and the door needs to be held open.

So, let’s dispel some myths:

ADA doors are still designed to be used manually.  Even if you can hear the gears moving, you are not damaging them.  If you are still concerned, use the door on the other side.

Our EVS staff cleans door handles and ADA buttons regularly as part of infection control.  However, the area you touch on a door is larger and you are more likely to touch a different area there, than you would on an ADA button.  Not necessarily dirtier, but definitely not any cleaner.

ADA doors are often used by individuals who believe they need to use them and doors stay open much longer than they would otherwise, letting in a lot of cold/hot air.  In addition to making people in the adjacent areas uncomfortable, we use a LOT of energy to counter that change in temperature.

In the case of the DOC or Clarkson revolving door, that door actually helps maintain pressure in the building and does not bring in a lot of outside air.  The ADA door stays open and allows air to be sucked right into the building, making the lobby and atrium cold/hot until our system can catch up.

Who knew such a little action could have such a big impact?  Think before you hit the button next time, and only use it if you need to; you’ll save energy and make spaces more comfortable for employees and visitor.  Plus, you don’t turn out like this guy!

Have you got a good read?

As you may know, last year LiveGreen sponsored the construction of a Little Free Library.

The Little Free Library was constructed as an Eagle Scout project for Matthew Rothgeb, son of UNMC’s Kim Rothgeb. He collected broken pallets from campus, sanded them down, and constructed a library that has a roof made of repurposed Scrabble boards and tiles.

Our Little Free Library is located next to Cornerstone Gifts in the second-floor atrium of the Durham Outpatient Center.

Matthew also collected more than 1,500 books to help us keep it well stocked.Matt-LFL

You can leave a book or take a book. The sharing of books has been a huge success. Many of you have borrowed books and returned them, brought some from home to donate, and collected them within your area at work.

The downside of this, if you will, is that we are now out of books. The books that are on the Little Free Library now are the end of our stock.

So, if you have books at home that are collecting dust, your kids have outgrown, or you have already read, consider bringing them here. This is a great way to:

  • Promote reading for all ages.
  • Fight Illiteracy.
  • Give visitors in waiting rooms a welcome distraction.
  • Work on your New Year’s resolution to organize your house.
  • Find a book you’ve never heard of.
  • Learn something new.

Even Mark Zuckerberg has resolved to read more books in 2015, saying “I’ve found reading books to be very intellectually fulfilling. Books allow you to fully explore a topic and immerse yourself in a deeper way than most media today.”

Books can be left at the library at any time, but please leave them on a shelf. They cannot go on the floor around the library, even if they are in boxes. If the shelves are full, please contact LiveGreen and we will get them from you.

Have a lot of books to bring in at once? Give us some advance notice and we’ll meet you with a cart and find a place to store them until space opens up.

Please keep in mind the Little Free Library is for books, not movies, periodicals, magazines or pamphlets/brochures.

Christmas Tree-cycling

Happy New Year! I hope you all had a great holiday season and that the New Year will provide a fresh perspective. Speaking of fresh perspectives, I thought I would share some interesting information with you.

If you haven’t done so already, today is the last day to drop off your Christmas tree for recycling. Locations can be found here.

Consider leaving your tree in an out-of-the-way corner of your yard. It’s a great shelter for birds and you and your kids can have fun decorating it with popcorn and berry strings to attract them. If you want to attract a wide variety of birds, check outthese suggestions for feeding birds in the winter.

Cut off large branches and place them over perennial gardens for some extra insulation. Branches are easily removed in the spring (right into your compost pile). They also can be placed in Omaha’s yard waste collection in spring for city composting.

The city is working with Scrap Central to recycle worn out strings of Christmas lights and extension cords. Please bring only lights and cords; all boxes, bags, and other material must be removed. You can recycle them at 2728 N. 85th St. through Jan 20. They are open 9 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. Monday through Friday and 9 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. Saturdays. All proceeds will benefit Susan G. Komen Nebraska.

Just for fun, check out these Goat Grazers in Nevada. Trees were being dumped in places where people assumed they would break down or be sent to landfills, both of which created a fire hazard. This family of goats eats the trees, which are high in vitamin C, “naturally recycling” the trees and decreasing the risk of wildfire.

I see London, I see France. I see someone’s Christmas tree? Yes, that’s right, a company in France has found a way to turn Christmas trees into lingerie! Needles, bark, and wood are treated with an enzyme to turn the once prickly substance into a soft fabric suitable for undergarments. They use an enzyme process instead of chemicals and the fabric is said to be better at wicking moisture away than cotton! I haven’t vetted the process, but I like that they are thinking outside the box.

Finally, did you get new electronics resulting in old electronics that need recycling? This Saturday a collection will be held, and the proceeds will benefit the Ronald McDonald House. Check out their website for more information.

Transportation and Parking Update

Melanie Stewart sustainability manager
Melanie Stewart
sustainability manager

Earlier this fall, an article appeared about transportation and parking on campus and how that will be changing in the future. Colleagues were invited to make their voice heard via the survey and open campus forums.

Hundreds attended the forums and more than 4,200 responded to the survey. Thank you! Your feedback was invaluable and has helped us to move forward on alternatives that will work for you.

We also heard that a lot of you understand the environmental benefits to carpooling and public transportation and would enjoy the financial savings as well. We completely understand some of your reservations about using these programs and so we are exploring:Many had comments on walking and biking to work. Due to high interest, additional bike racks have been ordered to add to some locations, creating bike-parking opportunities in locations that didn’t have them. Please make sure to always secure bikes when parking, and never secure them on steps, hand railings or in front of doors.

  • Subsidized bus passes. You save money on parking, gas and wear and tear on your car while getting to work at little to no cost to you. We are working with MAT to ensure times and routes will work for employees and students, along with increasing reliability.
  • Emergency ride home program. This will get you home free of charge if your carpool buddy has to leave unexpectedly or you are sick and can’t wait for the bus.
  • ZipCars: Cars you can check out and use in an emergency or to run to off-campus errands or appointments if you didn’t drive that day.
  • Carpool matching: Finding different ways to match you up with others on campus who not only live nearby but also like the same music (or maybe sports talk?) as well as other parameters like smoking, pets in the car, etc.
  • Working with the city to connect bike trails to make it safer to get here as well as pedestrian bridges and good sidewalks for walking.
  • Bike storage boxes and showers for those riding/walking in.

Plans are being developed to turn these ideas into pilot programs this spring and summer.

For more on parking, see the article that appeared in Monday’s Now email.