By Melanie Stewart
Temperatures have been on the rise and summer is in full swing! Did you know that spending time in nature is great for kids and adults and can improve health? Lots of people are considering saving money and being green by taking a “staycation” so what’s a nature-loving person or family supposed to do in and around Omaha?
Most of you are probably aware of options like the Henry Doorly Zoo and Lauritzen Botanical Gardens, but LiveGreen would like you to know there are LOTS of options in and around this area: hiking, biking, fishing, bird watching, trains, camping, relaxing, there’s something for everybody. Everything below is linked to easily allow you to find details and make plans for your weekends or staycations (and some have day camps for kids and teens):
Have fun and enjoy your summer!
P.S. Know of something we forgot? Feel free to share it in the comments below!
by Melanie Stewart
Last week we were treated to hazy skies and smoky air courtesy of wildfires in Saskatchewan. It’s a little mind boggling to fathom the size of that fire to know that we could actually smell the smoke thousands of miles away.
It’s also a reminder of how interconnected we all are and how our actions can have a direct impact beyond our immediate area.
You may be familiar with the Little Steps Big Impact program designed to reduce ground level ozone levels in Omaha. Ozone is a harmful gas pollutant when it is at ground level which can have many adverse health effects,
especially for people with existing breathing problems (like asthma and emphysema), and is harmful to pets and plants. It creates a hazy appearance across the city, not unlike smog, and contains harmful nitrous oxide and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Ground level ozone is more prevalent in the summer, when more pollution is produced by small gas engines (mowers, toys, etc.) and the sun “cooks” the air.
Unfortunately, there are a few easy things that you can do to prevent ground level ozone, creating cleaner air, a less polluted environment, and an overall healthier place to live.
To do your part:
These little steps will have a big impact, making Omaha and the surrounding area a cleaner and healthier place to live and work.
by Melanie Stewart
For the past two weeks we’ve been talking about methods for controlling mosquitos and other bugs, so you can be comfortable in your own backyard and not lose your garden. Birds are great, but we would be remiss if we didn’t talk about bats.
Yes, I know, bats freak a lot of people out and convincing people to like them is an uphill battle. I’m going to try anyway.
First, the myths.
Having dealt with the myths, let’s talk about why I’m a fan. I hate bugs. I understand why they are important, but the pests that whine in my ear, suck my blood, carry diseases, and are general nuisances make it hard for me to enjoy being outside. And I love being outside.
All bats found in Nebraska and Iowa are insectivores, feeding solely on flying insects like mosquitoes. In fact, one Little Brown Bat can eat 600-1200 mosquito-sized insects every hour. And they hunt all night! In consuming thousands of bugs, they prevent those bugs from breeding more bugs, and that’s a win-win in my book.
Bats help farmers. The more bugs bats eat, the less insecticide farmers need to use, saving millions of dollars and keeping food cleaner. A colony of 150 Big Brown Bats (weighing a whopping ¾ of an ounce) can eat enough cucumber beetles in a single season to prevent hatching 33 million more!
You can still pretend they don’t exist, or love them so much you put up a bat house, but either way, bats are your backyard buddies!
by Anne Rivas
Quite a few years ago, as I sat outside with my early morning coffee, enjoying the birds, I heard the dulcet tones of my darling little daughter, “Shaddup, ya stinkin’ birds!” She has never been a morning person.
I planted trees when I moved into that house. My neighbors told me that the previous owner had not only removed her own trees, she tried to get them to remove their trees to keep the birds from – ahem –soiling her property as they flew across.
Besides beauty, what are the benefits to attracting birds to our backyards?
Some people worry about the potential mess birds may leave, and are concerned about bird-feeders attracting raccoons and rodents. If you have bird feeders, clean and disinfect them often to prevent birds from spreading diseases to each other, and collect and dispose of materials that accumulate under feeders. Spreading out bird feeders and water sources (birdbaths, and fountains), will reduce competition for food and decrease the possibility of birds spreading disease. Click here for more information.
For information about how to attract birds to your yard, click here.
By Anne Rivas
What do spring showers bring? Mosquitoes! I confess to spraying (only) my clothing with heavy-duty DEET before going on a hike last week. I was able to wear those unwashed clothes days later to mow my lawn without being bitten. If you’re going to use a chemical to repel mosquitoes, that’s one way to do it.
Having recently lived in a state that claims the mosquito as its state bird, I offer some ways to protect ourselves without killing beneficial insects and pollinators.
Wind and moving water discourage mosquitoes. If the air is still, use a fan when you’re sitting outdoors. Mosquitoes are attracted to the carbon dioxide we exhale, which is dissipated by a breeze. Mosquitoes need to keep their wings dry, so they avoid moving water. The Water Garden website recommends adding a pond for mosquito control. That website also recommends the use of Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies israelenses (BTI) as a natural mosquito control. While safe for people, pets, and wildlife, BTI kills caterpillars, so keep it out of your butterfly garden.
Change standing water at least once a week. A variety of critters visit my birdbath – birds, squirrels, hornets, and my dog. She’s very tall. I dump it every few days, scrub it out, and refill it. That prevents mosquito eggs from maturing into blood-sucking demons.
Anything that holds water is a potential mosquito nursery – plant saucers, buckets, toys, and tires. Butterflies and small birds like water that collects in shallow depressions in rocks. So do mosquitoes. Do you have self-watering pots? Check the reservoirs to make sure water does not stand for longer than a week.
Our gutters are clean, but the downspouts drain into pipes that go underground and come out in the yard. Every so often we clean out the crud that collects at the bottom of those pipes.
For personal protection, there are a few milder ways to repel mosquitoes than soaking your clothing in DEET. Grow citronella grass, catnip, rosemary, lavender, basil and scented geraniums. The scents of these plants repel insects, but contact can cause skin irritation or allergic reactions in some people. Catnip is in the mint family, so put it in a pot unless you want a field of it. If you use plant oils, you will need to apply them more often than you do commercial repellents.
After a wet end to last week, it’s hard to believe we have already been in energy curtailment twice. The combined high heat and high humidity put the campus into energy curtailment, and we need your help! When the outside temperature becomes unbearable, we’ll ask people to turn their lights off where ambient light is adequate and to close their window blinds to keep the sun out.
Many may ask, “If we’re saving energy, why is my office so dang cold? Aren’t we wasting energy on air conditioning?”
Patient care and research spaces need to maintain a constant rate of air flow. In these spaces, we combine both heated and chilled air, regulating temperature the way we adjust the water in a shower – adding both hot and cold to create a comfortable temperature. During curtailment, we decrease the amount of heated air to save energy, and some spaces will feel cold.
Other spaces will feel warmer than usual, as less energy will be used to cool them. Please call 2-3347 to report spaces colder than 66 degrees or warmer than 75 degrees.
Why put ourselves through this? Lower energy use means better air quality, which means a healthier community, and our utility rates are based on our peak use. That’s right — it’s not just a one-month expense. The month that we use the most energy determines the rate we pay for the entire next year. We want to keep that peak as low as possible.
Why do we turn off lights and close the blinds? As a kid, did you ever burn leaves with a magnifying glass? The same thing happens when the sun shines in our windows, only we’re the leaves. Keeping the sun out keeps buildings cooler, and turning lights off to save energy – well, that saves energy.
So, counterintuitive as it seems, when the mercury climbs this summer, be prepared – dress in work-appropriate layers. Stow a sweater, a pair of closed-toe shoes and some socks in a desk drawer. Help improve community health by turning your lights off and closing your window blinds.
If improving health, reducing pollution, and saving money aren’t enough incentives, the treat patrol will make the rounds, randomly showing up in spaces to reward people for these efforts:
To help ease the energy load:
I’m hoping that you have heard of the new TravelSmart program; here are some answers to your questions:
Yes, it’s FREE! Sign-up is free and your free bus pass will continue to be free. It’s not tied to your Metro Credit Union account; your badge is used only to identify you as a rider.
TravelSmart is a perk and can save you money while reducing pollution and promoting a healthy lifestyle while reducing parking pressure and traffic congestion.
If you choose to carpool and all members of the carpool turn in their parking permits, you will receive a FREE carpool pass to the best parking lot among you (your group’s choice).
Parking Permit
Not quite ready to relinquish your parking permit? You can keep it and still use any of the active transportation options with access to all the support programs. Turning it in will save you additional money. Our Savings Calculator will tell you how much money you can save and whether it’s financially advantageous for you to keep your permit or turn it in—either way it’s your choice.
Daily Rate Flexible Parking is available if you need to drive to campus and don’t have a permit. It’s cheap, lots are located around campus, and you can pay via smartphone or website.
If you carpool partner isn’t coming to work, you can still use your carpool pass. If you are both driving that day, one can use the carpool pass and the other can use Daily Rate Flexible Parking.
The 3 month trial starts when you turn your permit in. You save money while you test out TravelSmart, and get your same permit back if you still want it.
If you want to carpool but don’t know who to drive with, check our carpool matching page. Signup on Zimride is free and only people from this campus can see the rides that have been posted. You don’t have to ride with the person it matches you with, so there’s no harm in posting a ride to see if it will work out, even if you work odd hours or a different shift.
Registering for TravelSmart
Click on the appropriate button on our registration page to go to the correct self-service page. Please note that Nebraska Medicine and Clarkson College employees need to check the “Olympus” box prior to logging in. If you are unfamiliar with that page check out the instructions with screen shots on our registration page to help guide you.
If you have more questions visit our FAQ page or Video/Resources page. Or email or call 559-8580 (ext. 3); we are happy to help!
The Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) is on its way to Nebraska. It is an invasive beetle that lays eggs on ash trees. The larvae hatch, bore into the layer of wood beneath the bark, responsible for water and nutrient movement in the tree, and this eventually kills the tree.
EAB is currently 80 miles away from Omaha and in Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Minnesota, and Colorado. Omaha has an estimated 100,000 ash trees, all of which would be wiped out by an EAB infestation. This will remove 14% of Omaha’s tree canopy and change the landscape of our city. Almost every tree lining Emile and Farnam Streets on the 42nd and Dewey campus are ash trees, as are almost all of the trees lining Regency Parkway, Abbot Drive, and along the streets of Memorial and Elmwood parks.
Not only will we lose the trees and the benefits they provide, but removal of the dead trees will cost millions of dollars. So far, EAB has killed an estimated 54 million trees in the U.S. in the last 13 years.
So what can you do to stop the devastation?
Last week was EAB Awareness Week. To help spread awareness, the Omaha Parks Foundation and City of Omaha Forestry Division held a press conference and wrapped trees in many city parks in emerald ribbons.
To show support, and as part of our Tree Campus USA service learning project, students with the High School Alliance wrapped many of the ash trees on campus with green ribbons. They learned about the EAB and helped to promote awareness of its damaging effects.
Their efforts were covered by multiple news stations, and those stories can be seen here (contains additional info and pictures of EAB and damaged trees) and here.
The High School Alliance Students continued their work and on Friday returned to campus to help pick up trash, pull weeds, and haul and spread mulch around the Durham Research Centers. The space looks fantastic, thank you for all your work!
by Anne Rivas
I promised to write about how different methods of winter composting worked out. I used three outdoor methods, knowing that the composting process (i.e., rot) slows way down in the winter. I used a pallet bin, a compost tumbler, and I sheet-mulched a large area of lawn for a new pollinator garden.
It was my fault that the tumbler didn’t work. I had a good mix of green and brown materials, but not enough moisture or microbes. I should have added some dirt for the microbes necessary to the rotting process, and some of the commercial “starter” that came with the bin. The advantages of using a tumbler are that you just turn the drum to mix and aerate the compost, and you don’t have the possibility of critters coming to live in it. The disadvantage is that you are re-creating a natural process in a closed environment and if you leave something out the process doesn’t work.
The volume of materials in the pallet bin has steadily been going down, indicating the materials are being digested and turned into dirt. I’ve continued to add kitchen scraps and leaves all winter, and I should begin turning it once a week. The advantage to this method is that you just add green and brown materials and let nature take its course.
The most successful method was the sheet mulch. The main problem with the sheet mulch is that I buried four sprinkler heads underneath it. (Duh) The night before the irrigation company came to service the system, I spent a couple of hours digging down to locate the sprinkler heads. I found lots of exciting bugs, worms, and good, rich dirt, but no hardware. The sprinkler company found and marked the buried sprinklers for me.
To sum up, the tumbler is the least amount of work but you have to keep tabs on the process, and if you leave something out it doesn’t work. The pallet bin is more forgiving. It supplies dirt, microbes, and bugs, but is more work to turn. Sheet mulch is great, but you need an area of lawn to sacrifice. Covering it with a few inches of bark mulch to keep the leaves in place through the winter would have been a good idea. And remember to mark the positions of sprinklers before covering them up!
Compost recipe:
Green Materials (fruit and vegetable waste, grass clippings, weeds that have not gone to seed)
Brown Materials (leaves, shredded non-glossy paper, dried plant matter)
Moisture (about the consistency of a wrung-out sponge)
Activator (garden dirt, alfalfa, herbivore manure, commercial “starter”)
Air (spin tumbler or turn pile to introduce air into process)
Heat (generated by the composting process)
Green and brown can be in equal amounts. If it starts to smell bad, add more brown. If it’s too wet, add dry brown.
Dirt can be a thin layer of dirt, compost, rotted or dried manure, or contents of rabbit or hamster cage.
After a rainy week, it seems odd to talk about water conservation but we often forget how dependent on water we are and how scarce it can be. It’s easy to turn on the faucet and get fresh, clean water, but imagine how much less water you would use if you had to haul it from a nearby reservoir, or wait in line to receive your ration.
It can be easy to dismiss that notion as we live in the developed world, but the state of California is in such a water crisis that they just announced mandatory water restrictions effective June 1, with some communities being
forced to cut water usage by 36 percent. Given that a sizable portion of the U.S. economy, and probably a sizable portion of your dinner plate, comes from California agriculture, their water issues may affect us in a very real way. If that is not close enough to home, did you know most of us use 20 gallons of water per shower? Or that the EPA estimates Nebraska to be one of the top seven states for water use per capita?
Thankfully, there are some relatively simple things you can do to be conscious of the water you are using/wasting that can have a sizable impact.
Five-minute songsLooking for help to time your shower? Cue up one of these songs:
- Aerosmith, “Sweet Emotion”
- The Beatles, “While My Guitar Gently Weeps”
- Beastie Boys, “Body Movin’”
- Blake Shelton, “Boys ‘Round Here”
- Coldplay, “Clocks”
- Creedence Clearwater Revival, “Born on the Bayou”
- Dave Matthews Band, “Tripping Billies”
- Flock of Seagulls, “I Ran”
- Fred Hammond, “No Weapon”
- Jefferson Starship, “We Built This City on Rock & Roll”
- Kanye West, “Stronger”
- Lady Gaga, “You and I”
- Lynard Skynard, “Sweet Home Alabama”
- Michael Jackson, “Thriller”
- Paul Simon, “ You Can Call Me Al”
- U2, “Walk On”
Have a 5 minute song you’d like to recommend? Feel free to leave it in the comments section below!