Last week, TravelSmart was honored by the Metropolitan Area Planning Agency (MAPA) with the Regional Service Award.
MAPA is a regional Council of Governments serving Eastern Nebraska and Western Iowa. MAPA brings local and regional officials together with citizens like you to connect, plan and thrive.
We were honored to receive the Regional Service Award, given to “an organization whose efforts have had an extraordinarily positive influence on the MAPA five-county region.”
Specifically, UNMC and Nebraska Medicine were honored for “its work to create an innovative and sustainable solution to transportation challenges in the Omaha Metro area” and for “standing out as a regional leader.”
TravelSmart is currently reducing a parking garage worth of cars (~700) coming to campus each day, which reduces emissions, promotes healthier lifestyles, saves participants money, and reduces traffic congestion which further reduces emissions, road use (repair), and leading to safer and healthier environment for the campus and Greater Omaha region.
Representing the med center at the event were (from left to right in the picture) Mike McGlade (transportation and parking committee chair, senior associate dean of administration COM), Hannah Stanzel (clinical services associate for MMI, former parking assistant who helped implement TravelSmart), Melanie Stewart (sustainability manager for Nebraska Medicine and UNMC), and Tina Spencer (specialist, former parking manager who helped implement TravelSmart). Not pictured, Daniel Lawse, Verdis principle who helped design and implement TravelSmart.
TravelSmart was also selected by the Heartland 2050 Initiative to be the featured example in their recent “Closing the Gap” which demonstrated how complete active transportation programs can help both businesses and participants (see above) but can also help attract and retain talent in the workforce.
Are you already a TravelSmartie? That’s great! Don’t forget to contact if you need anything.
Considering TravelSmart? It’s a great way to save money, reduce emissions/pollutants, and most of the time, increase your physical activity. Want to save a little money (holidays are right around the corner) it’s all FREE and a great way to reduce your costs. You don’t have to give up your parking permit and you don’t have to use it for every commute. Check out the TravelSmart website for more details or contact We are happy to answer any questions or concerns, help you find a bus route or park and ride location, and we can even assist in finding a carpool partner.
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