Earth Month 2020

This year is the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, so we are going big!  Well, we were going big, but then COVID-19 changed our plans.  Part of being sustainable is being able to adapt, so we have.  

All MonthEarth Day EcoChallenge.  Visit the website to pledge to take a simple action, including educating yourself on a new topic. Join our team to earn points, win prizes, and make the planet better (oh, and help us beat UNO’s team for the 3rd challenge in a row).  Invite your friends and family to participate on our team—the more the merrier!

All Month:  Internet sustainability scavenger hunt!  Participate whenever it works for you, online, and win prizes!

April 6th and 13th: Get your submissions in for the Repurpose It contest, due April 6th. Sounds like a fun weekend project, right??  Online voting will open on April 13th.

Postponed: Personal Document Shredding and Electronic, Battery, and Techno Trash Recycling.  Save your items, we’ll schedule this event as soon as it’s safe to do so.

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