Changes to Daily Rate Flexible Parking

By Melanie Stewart

Hopefully you are aware of Daily Rate Flexible Parking. Which was brought to campus to support people in the TravelSmart program and those coming to campus without a permit.

People driving to campus without a parking permit can park in one of three Daily Rate Flexible Parking lots (lot 36, 55, and 59, seen in map here).  Parking spots are located in convenient locations on campus, you can pay on a free app or on a website (without having to call Parking), all while leaving visitor spots for patients and avoiding those nasty $100 tickets!  Daily Rate Flexible Parking can be used by people participating in the TravelSmart program as well as people attending meetings/training here and those that only work on this campus periodically.

Many of you reached out to us with feedback noting primarily 2 things.  You need more time and want to be able to leave campus and come back without having to repay.

We agree!

Beginning this weekend, October 17th, a Daily Rate Flexible Parking session will now be 20 hours long, but still at the same $3 per session cost.  This will give you plenty of time to park, get to your location on campus, work a full shift/shift and a half, and get back to your car with time to spare.

Also beginning this weekend, Daily Rate Flexible Parking will be tracked by your license plate, not the parking stall.  This will allow you to park in a Daily Rate Flexible Parking spot when you arrive on campus, leave during the day to run an errand, attend an off campus meeting, etc., and park again without paying, even if the spot you previously parked in has been taken.

You must park in one of the Daily Rate Flexible Parking lots and park in one of the stalls with white lines and numbers.  When paying to park on the app or website you will only be asked for your license plate number, not the stall number.  The app will also prompt you with these changes.

We hope these changes will make Daily Rate Flexible Parking easier for you and will allow more people to use perk to save money on your monthly parking permits.

If you have any questions, please contact

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