America Recycles Day

by Melanie Stewart

Good News!  Today is America Recycles Day, the only nationally recognized day dedicated to promoting the act of recycling, and buying recycled products!

Of all the “Days,” American Recycles Day is the easiest to celebrate because it takes no preparation.  If you’re finished using a product and it is recyclable, then put it in the correct recycling bin—that’s all there is to it!  Not sure what to recycle where? Watch this short video to find out, or visit our webpage for on-campus information.  Check out the Wasteline site for recycling information in and around Omaha.

We have already told you how important it is to recycle. You know about the huge impact it can have on our planet and our economy. In order to complete the loop and make sure your recycling effort has value, you can buy products made of recycled content. This is an easy step and takes no extra effort at all!

When you go to purchase a product, anything from a pack of paper to packaged food, take a look at the label.  If it contains the 3-arrow triangle (often referred to as the recycle symbol) it is recyclable.  If that triangle is inside in a circle, that product is made from recycled content.  The package should also tell you that it’s made from recycled content, the percentage of that item that was made from recycled materials, and whether or not the materials are “post-consumer content.”

Post-consumer means the material came from the end user and that material would have otherwise ended up in the landfill, as it had no other value.  These are items like pop cans, paper, or plastic that has been used.  Pre-consumer/industrial content is still recycled material, but that material was produced during the production of another product.  Examples include wood chips, sawdust, and glass or metal shavings.

Pre or post-consumer recycled content is all recycled content and its use diverts materials from the landfill while protecting new or virgin resources, so take a second to make sure what you are buying has the highest percentage possible of recycled content.

We hope you are continuing to Waste Less. Recycle More. @ Lunch!, keep up the good work. You may be “caught” in the act and randomly rewarded.



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