Posted on May 16, 2017 by Jerrod Bley
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By Melanie Stewart
We had another fun Earth Week this year, even if the weather didn’t completely cooperate. We put a new spin on some old favorites, offering a variety of different activities, as well as opportunities related to your work and personal life. Now that it’s all said and done, we can provide you with tally and the impact.
A special thank you to all of our awesome volunteers—without you this week would not have been possible!
Without further ado, here is Earth Week by the numbers:
- 500 LED, photo-sensing nightlights were distributed at Earth Day Omaha.
- 1,000+ people stopped by our booth to learn about the ways the Med Center is leading the way, with our new Net Zero Emissions, Waste, and Water by 2030 goals.
- 34 people entered the Re-Purpose Contest, 523 people voted, awarding prizes to 5 people.
- 232 people came to the Sustainability Expo, sampled 200 vegan cookies, and visited with the 27 different experts on hand.
- 1 rain storm prevented most people from watching the planting of 1 maple tree, but it did not stop the 3 intrepid souls from Grounds who made sure it was done right.
- 120 Elderberry trees and 100 packets of pollinator friendly wildflower seeds, containing 18 different plant types went to new homes.
- 264 people dropped off items at the recycling event
- 309 pounds of VHS tapes, DVDs, CDs, and floppy disks
- 3,820 pounds of electronics
- 4,600 pounds of TVs and computer monitors
- 5,749 pounds of paper for shredding
- 14,478 pounds (that’s 7.2 tons or 3.5 average US cars!) diverted from the landfill. That impact?*
- 15 trees saved
- 151 gallons of oil not used
- 340,040 hours of electricity saved
- 4,603 gallons of water
- 47 eyeglasses donated to the TEI clinic; ~4500 pop tabs to Ronald McDonald House
- 122 hours by campus volunteers over 6 days of activities
- Numerous pictures and videos taken, available on our Facebook page.
Great job and thanks again to all of our volunteers, the creative people who entered our Re-Purpose It contest and are already inspiring new projects, all who participated, and those of you looking for new, better, and healthier ways to live at home and at work. If you have any additional comments, suggestions, or changes for next year please email us.
*Estimated impact; actual totals may vary slightly depending the exact mix of electronics turned in.
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