Personal Care Recipes

Have you ever wanted to reduce you and your family’s exposure to chemicals and save money by making your own natural beauty, cleaning, or household products?

Making big changes can seem daunting, but LiveGreen is here to help!

Come to any 1 of our 3 events on campus to talk to UNO Sustainability Coordinator Sarah Burke.  She has personally tried numerous recipes and will be on hand to provide information and recipes for the ones that work.  Each event will have samples of homemade natural beauty (lip balm & bath bombs), cleaning (laundry detergent & reusable dryer sheets), and household (reusable shopping bags & air freshener) products. Bring your phone to snap a picture of recipe cards so you can try them in your home!

Tuesday, April 3rd: Michael Sorrell Center, 2nd floor atrium outside C-Store, 11:30am–1pm

Wednesday, April 11th: Inside the Nebraska Cafe by the exit, University Tower, 11:30am–1:30pm

Monday, April 16th: Inside the Clarkson Cafe near the registers, Clarkson Tower, 11:30am–1:30pm

Unable to attend?  Here’s a copy of the recipes for you.  Please note, if you need to print, please print double-sided.  They will print like a normal recipe card with ingredients on the front and directions on the back.

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