“Stairwellness” encourages you to take the stairs instead of using the elevator if you are able.
We understand that the elevator is a necessary and essential transportation method for some individuals, and so folks who must take the elevator are empowered to do so. Stairwellness is meant to be an easy strategy for our community to implement, promoting sustainability and wellness while being inclusive and considerate of individuals with diverse abilities.
How can taking the stairs make a difference?
As a part of this initiative, brightly colored paintings fill the landings of the stairwells, taking the place of the institutional blank walls in the University Tower. LiveGreen volunteers sold reusable hot/cold beverage cups to raise money, which was then paired with Legacy funds to paint the stairwells. Students from Omaha North painted the image seen here, and local artists Kelli Zaugg and Stephen Kavanaugh painted the murals on additional landings. Next time you are in the area, check them out! You’ll be helping to conserve power, burn calories, improve your health, and lift your spirits; a win-win-win-win!