“LiveGreen Scenes” are our lunch ‘n learn type events, bringing you information on a variety of sustainability related topics. Many of the LiveGreen Scenes provide information to use in your personal lives or at your home. All presentations are archived here, so they can be viewed at your convenience. Click on the title of the presentation and the video will load in your browser window.
10.25.21 – Campus Sustainability Roundtable
04.22.21 Plastic Free webinar with Brian Jefferis
04.14.21 – Student webinar cohosted with HEAL
03.08.21 – Omaha Permaculture
01.14.21 Dr. Joel Van De Graaff talks about asthma, allergens, and indoor air quality.
12.2.20 Dr. Steven Wengel provides tips to deal with stress and anxiety–during the holidays as well as all year long.
11.10.20 Hannah Rennard-Ganley talks about Keep Omaha Beautiful’s many programs to reduce waste and protect the environment.
09.29.20 Climate Change and Your Health: Basics of Climate change, how it impacts human health, and positive news moving forward.
07.15.20 Energy Efficiency at home and renewable energy at OPPD; the resources Eric Williams provided can be found here.
06.17.20 Composting 101 with Hillside Solutions; compost at home or as part of the Compost Club
10.29.19 Julie Sommer presents information about the eXXpedition, as well as information on her effort to reduce the amount of plastic she and her family use.
04.9.19 Flexibility is Within Your Reach. Join the Center for Healthy Living’s Peter Pellerito to learn simple stretches that can alleviate pain, prevent future injury and keep you moving.
03.18.15 Habitat for Humanity ReStore helps prepare you for the RePupose It Contest (and other home repurposing projects)
11.11.14 Energy Efficiencies and Energy Savings at Home, by American Energy Advisors
05.1.14 Turf Fertility and Edible Plants featuring John Fech
04.22.14 Omaha’s Henry Doorly Zoo presents Zoo Conservation Efforts
10.24.13 Drought Effects and Plant Preparation featuring John Fech
06.18.13 “Right Plant, Right Place; Problem Plants“ featuring John Fech
04.16.13 “In Celebration of Place, the landscape in which we live” presented by Kinghorn Gardens and dropseed
10.30.12 Details on the reEnergize Omaha project.
*please note, reEnergize Omaha has concluded, though projects outlined here can still yield savings.
03.22.12 Calculating your Carbon Footprint
02.16.12 Home Energy and Comfort
01.26.12 The Story of Stuff
Have an idea for a future LiveGreen Scene? Email us at LiveGreen@unmc.edu