Did you know that most of the waste generated in offices comes from food and beverage containers? And most of those food and beverage containers are recyclable! Whether it’s yogurt containers, frozen food trays, cardboard boxes or soda cans, most of what is commonly packed in a lunch can be recycled.
You are invited to join in an eight-week campaign to encourage employees to recycle lunch containers! The challenge is for each person to pledge to recycle all of their recyclable lunch containers at least two days per week until December 23rd.
Keep up the challenge for the entire eight weeks, and you could win sustainable swag! Winners will be chosen at random.
There are 5 ways to participate:
When you take these easy steps, you help make a big difference; Happy Recycling!
Lots of your fellow colleagues and students have taken the pledge to Waste Less. Recycle More. @ Lunch… Click here to see all the people making an impact!
Questions on recycling? Here’s some help:
Virtually all plastic products on campus are recycled by placing them in the green bins located across campus. Plastic is recycled in the same container as metal. When determining what plastic can be recycled, do not look at the number…plastic just needs to be rigid. Any items that holds shape on its own can be recycled. i.e. bottles, frozen meal trays, plastic dinnerware, yogurt cups, lids, straws, can all be recycled. Plastic bags, plastic wrap, bubble wrap, cellophane cannot. Styrofoam cannot be recycled with plastic. Please empty food and liquid from items prior to recycling (to reduce odor). Containers are emptied when they are ¾ full.
Virtually all metal products on campus can be recycled by placing them in the green bins located all over campus. Metal is recycled in the same container as plastic. The most common metal items are pop and tin (soup) cans, but small metal shipping containers and other metals can be recycled too. Please do not include aluminum foil or Styrofoam. Please empty food and liquid from items prior to recycling (to reduce odor). Containers are emptied when they are ¾ full.
All Corrugated cardboard (boxes used for shipping) and standard cardboard (sometimes referred to as paperboard: facial tissue/cereal/frozen meal boxes) can be recycled on campus. Please break all boxes down flat and place them between your paper recycling bin and the wall or at the designated location for your building. You do not need to removed labels or tape. Cardboard that has come in direct contact with food can be recycled as long as it is not dirty/soiled. i.e. the bottom of your pizza box that is greasy is trash, the clean lid can be recycled with cardboard. Do not place cardboard in the blue/paper recycling container.
Virtually all paper products on campus can be recycled: copy paper, envelopes, scratch paper, glossy paper, construction paper, clean food packaging, newspaper, etc. By campus policy, ALL PAPER must be placed in a blue desk-side container, large blue bin, locked grey bin, or locked cart. All paper is shredded to ensure HIPAA compliance. Facial tissues, napkins, paper towels, etc. cannot be recycled and should be placed in the trash.
If you have large quantities, please contact EVS (559-4073) so they can provide you with a larger bin, making it easier for you and safer for your EVS person.
For information on recycling other items on campus, please click here.